Thursday, December 8, 2011

Busy busy busy

Been training! Just haven't been blogging.

Recent lifts that were good..

The new routine has me doing core before lifting, which has made a difference in how I feel/perform lifting, pre-fatigue... lol

These are jjust some highlights of this week:

Leg day - squats 215X20, 21, 18, 12, 13

Chest day Bench 215X1, 2, 1

Back&Deads - deads off the floor 225X20, 12 315X3, 3 285X3

Still working towards March 31st goal... cardio has increased, sticking to eating plan..

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


and why am I always the sweatiest person in the gym? lol

Warm-up 2 sets 10 reps reverse grip/10 reps wide grip pull downs

Reverse grip pull downs working sets 110X8, 120X8, 120X8

BB deadlifts warm ups 135x10 working sets 225X10, 275x10, 300x5, 300x5 (best since shoulder injury :) )

T-bar row - (BB in corner, using v-handle) Weight is what is added to bar (not sure if you add the bar in on these) 45x12, 70x10, 90x8, 115x6

Straight arm press downs 90x10, 110x10, 120x10

10 minutes of core work : planks, superman, crunches, windmills, side planks, reverse crunches, bicycles, double crunches

Good workout!

My neck still gets tight when we do anything involving my shoulder (which is pretty much any upper body) but its a lot less than it was. I am hoping to have lots of nice, beefy back muscle when I lean out :)

Chest & Triceps, Shoulders & Biceps

Last Thursday was a day off from lifting, we are on a 2 on/1 off schedule. I have been getting up every morning, taking some pre-cardio supps, walking the dog 20-25 minutes and then doing 20 minutes of elliptical.

Friday we did chest and triceps, I was really happy with the workout. my shoulder is finally feeling stronger, my bench is coming back up, flyes are still uncomfortable so I did decline cable crossovers instead (like most muscular pose, kind of).

Friday 10/07/11

warm-up stretches and arm crossovers.

100 reps reverse crunches

Flat BB Bench (after warm-ups) 95X12, 115X10, 135X8, 155X6, 175X4 best since injury :)

Incline DB Press 45'sX6, 50'sX6, 50'sX6

Decline cable crossovers 20X8, 30x8, 30x8

DB pullovers 3 sets 40x8

Close grip bench 75x12, 95x10, 115x8, 120x7

Superset :
Triceps rope push down 110x6, 110x6, 100x6
Bench dips 3 sets 6 (shoulder not sure about these...)

Saturday was slated for Strongman events but we slept in ;(

Sunday REST

Monday 10/10/11

Shoulders & Biceps

DB Military Press warm-up with 15's, 2 sets
25'sX12, 30'sx10, 30'sx8, 30'sx8 (stayed with 30's because shoulder was feeling uncomfortable)

Db lateral raise after warm-up 3 sets of 15'sx8

Brian's partial ROM laterals 3 sets 20'sx8

Rear delt flyes after warm up 3 sets 20'sx8

Ez bar curls (wt is what we added to bar bc we couldnt agree what the bar weighs, it felt light for a curl bar) 30X12, 40X10, 50X8, 50X8
Incline DB curls 3 sets of 15'sX8

Ran out of time so we skipped preacher curls, but biceps felt pretty well worked.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

ok...hiatus over.. let's do this thing! (warning..long ass post)

I have been training, just never sure what is really blog worthy. moved back to MN in July and have been kind of struggling to get my groove back since.

Finances and my nagging shoulder issue led to the decision that America's Strongest Woman won't happen for me this year. Its okay, I will take a year to improve my overhead and my athleticism and blow it up next year ;)

I have a new goal..and I am of two minds about blogging it, but I think I will. I am of two minds for a few reasons:

  • It isn't strongman related (but I think I will get stronger during the process and maybe even end up a more competitive middleweight)
  • I have begun this process so many times and not followed through that the people close to me will roll their eyes and say "sure you are"
  • It is a really big goal for me and involves more self belief than I think I have sometimes. 2 years ago I had unlimited amounts of self belief and what felt like the heart of a champion...a lot of events broke me down and somewhere I got lost.
The decision to create this goal comes from being tired of being unhappy with my physique and feeling like there was a "could've" there that I didn't explore far enough.

I have a lot of plus factors going into this goal:

  • the support of an amazing man, Adam :)
  • the environment at Underground Gym (full of champion mentality)
  • a calm sense of knowing that i know how to do this and i am finally ready to apply that knowledge and follow through
  • 10-15 new pounds of muscle added through a year and a half of strongman training :)
so..whats the goal?

March 31st, 2012 sub 7% bodyfat and women's heavyweight 1st place at the Gopher.

I will still include strongman training in my routine :) but I will be doing a lot more isolation work than I have in a while and a lot more cardio and actually sticking to an eating plan (stop rolling your eyes).

So...I know its a lot to ask, but to build momentum and keep momentum going, I need people to cheer and prod and push along the way. I promise myself, and you that I will not let us down this time :)

I will be honest in my blogging and ask that you not make fun of what I feel are light weights as I readjust. My shoulder has really brought down my numbers ;( maybe i will even post my stats and measurements...idk. that may be too brave even for me...

I also want you to let me know when I get too uppity, lol. I have this weird complex about being overly braggy or proud and feel like I need a reality check... but at the same time I think a certain amount of grandiosity and larger-than-life ego is necessary in a goal like this. a fine line, indeed.

That said.... here was the first two workouts of this new regime (shoulder day will change, we just threw that one together before I set the new routine)

Tuesday Oct 4th

Shoulders & Triceps wtxreps

Overhead db press, neutral grip, standing 15x15, 25x12, 30x10, 35x8, 40x6, 45x6

DB lateral raise 10x15, 10x15, 10x12, 10x12 (really wishing we had 12.5, lateral movement really weak from injury)

DB Limited ROM lateral (thanks Brian) 3 sets of 15#x12

DB rear delt flye 8x15, 10x15, 15x12, 15x12

BB Lockouts in rack (standing) 95x12, 95x12, 115x6

triceps overhead DB Ext single arm 10x15, 10x15, 15x12, 20x10, 25x6 barely

triceps pressdown w rope 100x12, 80x15, 70x15...sad lil dead arms

Wednesday (lifting arms overhead challenging :) ) 10/05


Warm up - crossover stretch, inchworm forward and back for 10reps
100 reps ball crunches

Back Squats w/u 95x12, 135x12, 185x10, 205x8, 225x6, 245x6

Leg press (first day doing legs in vibrams..felt weird) we guess the sled weighs 70, so i add that into the weight. 470X10, 560x10, 650x10, 650x10

Leg extension (these really suck for me right now, I think my knees aren't tracking right, hopefully they will improve, right now any significant weight hurts like hell, so i am keeping it light) 3 sets 60x12

Superset : standing leg curls 35x10 and walking lunges 25X10, 3 sets each

Superset: Seated calf raises 50x10, 75x10, 100x10 and standing body weight calf raises 3 sets 25

sore baby! but in good ways - my knees feel ok, a little tight but not painful and my glutes,hams and quads are pleasantly sore/full, my calves..sad sore lol. going to do some light cardio today and lots of stretching/foam rolling.

One of my hopes during all this isolation work is that i rehab some nagging issues and become even more functional for strongman :)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Event Training! Finally!

Saturday morning we put on our stretchy pants for the first time (for me) since June 4th! we did 3 passes light farmer's walk, log overhead and tire :)

My shoulder felt/feels pretty good, it doesn't like the switch from pull to press on log, but everything else felt pretty good.

I am considering a competition on my birthday, August 6th, just for fun but I am not sure shoulder is ready yet and they will only ad a women's division if 3 women register this week. Decisions decisions.

Sunday was full rest, Today was just light recovery cardio (dog park!).

Tomorrow we resume our regular workout routines!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Last week of split training!

Monday we worked upper push. Single db press on the ball, overhead db presses, incline log presses. Some tricep work. We pushed it a little harder and my shoulder hurt afterwards but not bad the next day.

Tuesday we did Leg Press and Deads. I think deads bothered my shoulder more than anything so far.

Wednesday we did heavier upper pull. standing rope row, medium grip pulldown, db rows. Shoulder felt it during but not after. My trap from shoulder to upper neck is kinda spazzy though. ;( wishing I was in WA, where my favorite chiropractor is!

Thursday we did interval cardio - 30 sec db swing, 30 sec rest, 30 sec box jumps, 30 sec rest for about 20 minutes total.

Today we are resting, Adam is feeling a little under the weather. Tomorrow we are putting on our stretchy pants and doing EVENT training! :) I have missed it!:)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Wow! long time no post!

Packing, moving and unpacking was our workout for a few weeks! Last week on Monday I did an upper body push workout, conditioning reps, incuding incline bench w db's, overhead press with the log (yay!!!! a log I can press more than once at my new gym!!!!! ) , wednesday we did legs, including heavy ;eg press, back squats, stiff leg deads and bulgarian split squats,and Thursday I did light rotator cuff and then a light pull workout to see how my shoulder would react. So far it has been a little sore post workot but no worse the following days.

Today I pushed it a little harder, we did Single arm db presses , and incline log presses, I pushed it up to 95lbs and felt it a bit in my shoulder, its like it doesn't want to track right, it is sore now but the real eval will be how it is tomorrow. We also did db overhead push presses, which doesn't seem to bother it too much, and triceps rope press downs, during which my triceps kept

I am trying to be smart and patient but I am getting anxious about losing strength/time to train for nationals.

Next week I intend to get back on my regular lifting schedule, with upper and lower push/pull and event training. I think this weekend we will train some events. We still need to pour stones, we realized we dont have a tire to set the mold in or a hose to clean up the cement Moving is such fun.

We are also ready to get rid of this excess bodyfat now!!!!! I want to reveal all this new Strongwoman muscle I have built! so..dietary changes are in effect :) more protein, more good fat, more fibrous veggies and no more beer :)